Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Poverty The Gulf Coast - 810 Words

Poverty can change how people act and the way that they live in society. Poverty can also stand for the experience someone may lose by living the same way as everyone else around them. Poverty can mean different things such as lack money and experience, but all types of poverty can limit what a person can do such as in the short stories â€Å"The Gulf Coast,† â€Å"The Louisiana Live Oak Society,† and â€Å"The Man Who Was Almost a Man.† The short story â€Å"The Gulf Coast† shows poverty by the lack of experience learned while living in a city that is tucked in, as compared to the gulf coast cities. Elizabeth Spencer writes â€Å" French and Spanish were here from the first, but Poles and Yugoslavs and Czechs had come long ago to work in the fishing industries, while the French traded and the Spanish built ships† (7). Spencer writes this about the gulf coast showing that there is diversity in the cities around the gulf coast because of the different types of people that call the coast home. The diversity that is in the cities that surround the gulf coast causes for the people to face many different experiences, but without the diversity in the main cities people are not exposed to the same opportunities Poverty is also shown in the ways of how social classes act around other classes such as in the short story â€Å"The Louisiana Live Oak Society.† Gus and Robert are the two main characters in the short story â€Å"The Louisiana Live Oak Society,† and each character lives in a different social class. GusShow MoreRelatedHurricane Katrina And Its Impact On The United States1592 Words   |  7 PagesLouisiana and New Orleans which were largely covered by floods. The incident that occurred in the city left so many homes submerged, families crying for help from the rooftops of the submerged flats. 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